TCWTA at Back to Travel 2022, May 18 - 22, 2022 in Bingen/Germany.
The Twincitites World Tourism Association will present examples and ideas for the promotion of town twinning at the conference "Back to travel 2022".

TCWTA at the "Back to Travel 2022
18 - 22 May 2022 in Bingen/Germany
From May 18 to 22, 2022 Tourexpi, TCWTA will organize the conference "Back to Travel 2022". TCWTA will take a central part in this conference and will show on Thursday, May 19, 2022, the great opportunities that town twinning offers. Under the title "Twin Cities in Tourism: sustainability through relationships", TCWTA will present examples and ideas for promoting town twinning. TCWTA would be very pleased if many cities and municipalities would be enthusiastic about this conference and participate.
For the conference program and registration:
TCWTA program focus:
"Sister Cities in Tourism. Sustainability through Relationships."
Thursday, May 19, 2022, 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Town twinning has lost none of its relevance. Stable bridges are built between twinned towns, which allow an intensive exchange on the most diverse levels. Especially now, when we are stunned by an extremely bad war in Europe, it becomes visible again how important stable, cross-border friendships are. Partnerships between cities and communities promote cultural exchange, travel and tourism between different worlds. This strengthens peace in the long term. The Twincitites World Tourism Association presents examples and ideas for promoting town twinning.